Vacuum pumps / suction dredgers

Wie bei allen unseren Produkten, erhalten auch die Produkte der Reihe Vakuum Ihre Antriebsenergie aus der Hydraulik. Jetzt Anfrage stellen!

The products of this category get their operating power from hydraulics as all our products do.rodukte dieser Kategorie erzeugen einen Luftstrom für Vakuum- und Luftblasanwendungen. Wie bei allen unseren Produkten, erhalten auch die Produkte der Reihe Vakuum Ihre Antriebsenergie aus der Hydraulik.

Briefly, this category holds products that get their airflow ability from our new DYNASET HCF Hydraulic Centrifugal Fan. These fans can be used for suction as vacuum cleaners or for air blowing like leaf blowers. Although it is important to notice that these fans are used with machinery, so they are much more powerful than hand tools like leaf blowers.

Compact-sized HCF Hydraulic Centrifugal Fans get their operating power from a hydraulic motor which spins a specially made and engineered fan blade that is inside the unit. This high-rpm blade makes the airflow through the unit. The principle of the airflow is quite simple: another end of the unit is an intake, and another is an output.